We’ve had some beautiful weather this week – blue skies and warm temperatures. Lots of folks have been doing things outdoors. We are anxious for Spring to be here! But we have also had a lot of cloudy days this year with gray and even black skies. Cloudy skies can be depressing.
Maybe you’ve seen something that I look for on a cloudy day. It doesn’t always happen, but whenever the skies are dark with clouds, I look for that little opening. If you are in just the right spot, and there is an opening in the clouds, you can see a pillar of light shining through the clouds. It is awe-inspiring, especially if you are in the position to see it shining straight down. When I see a column of light shining through the clouds like that, I always want to get to that spot. I want to be where the sun is shining while all around you there is darkness and gloom. And the thought occurred to me: is that what the disciples felt at the Transfiguration?
The last Sunday after Epiphany, or the Sunday just before Ash Wednesday every year, the Church remembers the Transfiguration of Jesus. That will be this coming Sunday, so I’ve been thinking about this event where Jesus revealed a part of His glory to Peter, James and John. Peter voiced his opinion that they should stay up there on that mountain forever, but God had other plans.
Luke 9:34–35 34 While he [Peter] was speaking, a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. 35 A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”
Sometimes clouds are frightening, but sometimes they represent high points in our lives. We speak of being “in the clouds” or “on cloud nine” when we experience euphoria and good times. That was the feeling Peter wanted to hold onto at the Transfiguration. He wanted to set up some tents and stay on the mountaintop, and we want our times of happiness to continue indefinitely.
Sometimes we think that Christians should always be in this kind of a state, that giddiness and celebration should be our natural habitat. Theologians call this a “theology of glory.” People who think this way say, “Adopt the Christian lifestyle and you are guaranteed success in every way!” It comes across in much of the preaching being streamed and broadcasted. Many misguided preachers share the message that success in this world is the central message of Christianity. One such theologian was asked, “What is the Gospel?” He replied, “God can change your life and he can use you to change the world.” That may be a true statement, but that is not the Gospel. The central message of Christianity is that God was, in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, and that God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21) That’s the Gospel: Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners, and that means me!
Those who espouse a “theology of glory” tend to ignore the problem of sin. They want to have Easter without Good Friday. But that is not possible. Christianity is not a theology of glory. Properly speaking, Christianity is a “theology of the cross.” We preach the Good News that God did not stay in the remote protection of heaven, but instead chose to come to us in our need. Our sins necessitated a rescue. God provided that rescue in His Son, whom He loved, with whom He was well pleased. Jesus came to take the weight of sin -yours and mine – and to endure temptation, punishment, suffering and death in order to make payment for that sin. Jesus could encourage his followers to take up their crosses and follow Him because He had already borne His cross. You don’t have the Gospel, the Good News, without the cross.