In 2016 I had surgery on my right eye six times due to a detached retina. Needless to say, there were some complications. The end result was that my vision in that eye was salvaged, but scar tissue keeps me from being able to see things clearly with that eye. I cannot read with my right eye unless it is extremely large print, and even then it is with difficulty.
However, thanks be to God, I have good vision in my left eye. It had a torn retina at the same time I was dealing with the detached retina in my right eye, but laser surgery successfully repaired that damage. The vision in the one eye that is operating properly allows me to function normally. Were it not for the good vision in that eye, I would not be able to read at all or even drive!
Good vision is something many of us take for granted. I know I did. I did not need any corrective lenses until I was 30, and even then, it was only minor. While the prescriptions changed to stronger powers over the years, including the addition of bifocal lenses, I was able to see well with my glasses. In fact, I didn’t need to wear my glasses at all while working at my desk – my left eye was still that good! That changed when I had cataract surgery on my left eye. I went from being nearsighted to being farsighted. I no longer need corrective lenses to drive, but now I have to use “readers” to see my phone or computer or to read.
I wonder how many things I have not seen over the years because I have taken my vision for granted? I started thinking about some of the sights I have seen for which I am truly grateful.
I am truly grateful that I have seen my children grow to adulthood.
I have seen my children’s children.
I have witnessed the beauty of God’s creation around the globe.
I have seen the face of my lovely bride by my side for 45 years.
I have witnessed the power of God at work in the lives of people through His Word, through Baptism, and through the Lord’s Supper.
I have been able to read about God’s promises for myself in modern translations of Scripture as well as in the original languages.
I have seen dear friends and loved ones die, but they did so with confidence in Jesus as their Lord, which means I will see them again.
I have seen the expression on people’s faces when they have come to know and believe the Jesus died for them.
Oh, what these eyes have seen! Should my sight be taken from me this side of heaven, I pray God would give me the grace to realize that I still have the eyes of faith to see Jesus my Lord. And I know my vision would be restored when I stand in the presence of my Savior. And what will I see there?
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him…” 1 Corinthians 2:9