1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
My last devotion reminded you that Jesus is the Light of the World that overcomes the darkness. To those groping in the darkness of sin, Jesus said I am the Light, the one, true, saving Light.
Through His suffering, death and resurrection He brought life and light to any and all who would, by faith, believe in and follow Him. Whoever followed Him, he promised, would never walk in darkness, but would have the light of life. His light would shatter the darkness blackening the lives of people, penetrate them, and become their personal possession. All of this is possible only because the Holy Spirit is working the light of faith in the hearts of men and women and children of all nations.
Today and every day you and I can give thanks to God that the Light shines in us. God has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The Holy Spirit has enlightened us with His gifts. He dispels the darkness of ignorance, unbelief and sorrow and lights us up with His forgiveness, grace and love.
When Cheryl and I were in Germany, we visited a lot of cathedrals and churches. There were so many beautiful stained glass windows. I took lots of pictures, but they don’t do justice to the beauty of those windows when the light was shining through them. I was reminded of the little girl who visited a large cathedral with her mother and was fascinated by all the beautiful surroundings, especially the stained glass windows. She asked, “Who are all those people in the windows?” Her mother answered, “Those are the saints.” “The saints?” she asked, still puzzled. She continued looking at the windows trying to figure out who those people might be. Then her face brightened as she said, “Oh, I get it — the saints are the people who let the light shine through them!”
My dear fellow saints, those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, those on whom the light has shined— be the people who let the light shine through you!