The Church needs to remember who we are and what we should be doing. The church, the people of God who have put their faith in Jesus, needs to be busy living their lives as followers of Jesus.
One thing we should be concerned about is customer service. That may sound strange, but we are a people who have been called to serve.
Have you ever had that person “waiting” on you who just doesn’t seem to care. We have had that happen more times than I care to remember. The person who is supposed to be serving us ignores us and does not seem to have any desire to help us. You get the impression that we didn’t matter at all to that person.
Have you ever had a server like that? Have you ever BEEN a server like that? Something we tend to forget is that in the church, we are not the customers. We are to be the servants. Jesus tells us that repeatedly. He gives us the example to follow, like He did during the Last Supper when He washed the feet of His disciples and said…
John 13:15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
That same evening, when the disciples were jockeying for position, arguing who was most important among them, Jesus said:
Luke 22:27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.
This same thing had been addressed earlier when the mother of James and John asked if one of her sons could sit on Jesus’ right and one on His left in His kingdom. Jesus puts everthing back into proper perspective saying:
Matthew 20:26–28 … whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
The one who came to offer Himself as payment for the sins of the world also came to show us how to be servants to the world. The problem we have is that having a servant sounds so much more appealing than being a servant. We want to be the ones who are served, not the ones who serve others. But that is not the life to which you have been called. When Jesus gets a hold of you, you belong to Him. You want to follow Him because you know what He has done for you. And that means you take on the role of a servant.
How can you show Jesus the gratitude you have for what He earned for you with His suffering and death and resurrection? Be a servant, the kind of servant Jesus was.