Devotions to help you Think about God’s Word and Apply it to your Lives.


Approach God With Confidence

Today is the day of Epiphany! January 6 is the day we celebrate the coming of the Magi, the Wise Men, to worship the Christ child, as described in Matthew 2.

Thinking about those travelers we call “the Wise Men,” something that impresses me is their resolve. They made a resolution to find the Christ, the one born King of the Jews, no matter how far they had to travel. It could not have been an easy journey. We don’t know exactly where they came from, but it was likely a great distance. Their journey would have been dusty and dirty and difficult. Yet they were so committed to this, they were so determined to find this king, they were even willing to stop and ask directions! That should tell you something about their resolution: Guys known for their wisdom who were willing to stop and ask directions!

It paid off for them. They were directed to Bethlehem, where they found the one they were seeking, the Christ-child, and they rejoiced in God’s goodness to the world. Even though they were not part of the chosen people through whom the Savior had come, they knew that Jesus had come for them as well. His birth was heralded as “good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

Sometimes your journey may also be long and dusty and dirty. You have obstacles to overcome and have to stop for directions from time to time. You decide to make a New Year’s resolution to come closer to God in some way, but your own efforts are not enough and you fail. People and circumstances work against you in your resolve to live as the redeemed child of God you are. The good news for you again today is this mystery and miracle of your faith: because Christ Jesus came, and died to pay for your sins, you also are able to approach God. Paul wrote about it this way: In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Eph. 3:12)

You are In Him by virtue of your connection to Jesus through Baptism. Scripture tells us that Baptism connects us to Jesus in His death and resurrection, so much so that God sees His death as your death for sin, so that you will also share with Him in His resurrection (Romans 6). You are In Him.” Working through the Word, the Holy Spirit invites you to share in all the riches God has provided for you: forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. Everything earned by Jesus is yours for the taking if you will only believe. And that is what is meant by faith, through faith in Him: believing though you have not seen, standing on the promises of God’s Word, confessing Jesus as Lord with your mouths, believing in your hearts.

Think back to those Wise Men. They are a model for us. They had a star that led them to Jesus. You have I are led by the power of the Holy Spirit to Christ. When the Spirit enables us to “find” Jesus, then in Him and through faith in Him we have the freedom and confidence to approach God!

In all of this, the Church has a central place. Even though it is made up of sinful people who sometimes hurt each other, even though the church has sometimes caused harm, the church is something God established and is His chosen instrument for bringing people into fellowship with one another. What needs to be remembered is that Christ is the head of the church, not people. The church is the joining together of those Jesus redeemed, Jews and Gentiles, as a united people in one body. This is God’s plan and purpose for His church. The thing that unites believers everywhere is Jesus. The things that don’t matter are the ethnic origin or color of one’s skin, the language they speak or where they live, poverty or wealth. What unites us is the knowledge that when God sent His Son into this world it was to for the purpose of saving all people, reconciling all men to Himself. Jesus lived the life that God demanded, keeping every requirement of the Law and never sinning. He offered that life in your place. Because of Him, you have peace with God. The angels told us that: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men…

When you contemplate the one who is in charge of everything, the one who made the heavens and the earth, you might be tempted to think “What right do I have to approach the throne of Almighty God, much less imagine doing so with confidence?” But the answer is simple: Because of Jesus, that little toddler the Magi sought. In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.



By |January 6th, 2025|Categories: Daily Devotions|
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