Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Faith is something we use everyday whether we realize it or not. I’m speaking of faith in general. When you wake up in the morning and tell Alexa to turn on the lights, or if you flip the switch on the wall, you have faith that the light will come on. When you step into the shower and turn on the faucet you have faith that you will not only have water, but that it will be clean and hot. When you compose and email or text and hit “send” you have faith that your message will reach the recipient.

Do you have the same kind of confidence in God? We should have the same kind of trust in God that we have unwittingly given to the electric company, the water utilities and the world wide web. But our faith in God should be a conscious thing. It should not be relegated to the background as a passive thing, but it should be active. Luther wrote about it this way:

Faith is God’s work in us, which transforms us and by which we are reborn from God. By faith the old Adam is crucified. Faith makes us entirely different in heart, in temper, in disposition and in all of our powers, and brings with it the Holy Spirit. This faith is a living, busy, active, powerful thing! It cannot do anything except good. It does not even ask which good works ought to be done; even before the question can be asked it has done them and is constantly at work doing good. (“Preface to Romans,” 1522)

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

A faith that is living and active will all God to be living and active in our lives…in everything. Not just when the house is on fire. Not only when a loved one is severely ill, but in even the smallest matters of our lives, in normal day to day situations. Take everything to the Lord and place it in his strong and capable hands. You can bring the things the world considers unimportant to His attention and care. God wants you to be in communion with Him all day every day. When something tries you in any way, take it to the Lord. When you have a joyful experiences, speak to the Lord.

One of the themes of the Reformation was “sola fide,” faith alone. Our faith assures us of everlasting life because it clings to Jesus and all He did for us. This is our greatest blessing. But there is more to it. Faith allows us to cope with whatever comes our way while we are still in this life here on earth.

Live with complete confidence that your Savior will help you in your daily life.