A number of years ago I was privileged to serve as a Pastoral Advisor to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Their focus is to share the Good News of Jesus through their own witness and to support others who do so. In my opinion, it is the premiere organization in our church body. At one of those LWML meetings I attended in St. Louis, there were about 120 leaders of this organization gathered from across the country. We had a very famous and popular preacher from our church body scheduled to speak that afternoon, the former Lutheran Hour Speaker Ken Klaus, who is now in heaven. We got word that morning that He was stuck in another city and may not make it to St. Louis in time for his presentation. The president of the LWML asked me if I would be prepared to speak in his place if he didn’t show up. That was a daunting prospect. It was bad enough that I was on the schedule to lead a Bible Study after this wonderful speaker. Now I was being asked to speak in his place when the crowd was expecting him! And I had nothing prepared! It caused sweaty palms and a dry mouth. I started praying, “Lord, please let Pastor Klaus get here!”
I continued my conversation with God. And then He put this thought in my head: “You represent me every day! That’s all I ever ask you to do.” Wow. It is so simple. It wasn’t about being polished and having a wonderful presentation prepared. It was about being ready to share what I know to be true. That is all He asks me to do. And that is the same thing He asks you to do.
By the way, Pastor Klaus showed up in time and did a fabulous job in his presentation that day. I know I appreciated him being there. But I also learned (or relearned) a valuable lesson that day, something Scripture says very plainly.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Just like the Boy Scout motto says, “Be prepared.” Be ready to share what you know about Jesus.
When Moses was up on Mt. Sinai with God, Scripture says his face glowed when he came back down the mountain. Shouldn’t the world today be able to notice something about those who spend time with Jesus, those who are in worship and Bible study, who spend time in our homes reading the Word and having daily devotions? Shouldn’t there be something about those who remember their baptism and who receive the body and blood of Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Communion? Spending time with Jesus is an ongoing thing, something that keeps happening.
Here’s something else to think about: Have you ever considered that all people are God’s People? He made all people, but some will be lost if they do not put their faith and confidence in Christ. That is why he wants you to be out there in the world ready to share Jesus. You have been, are and will be people who are with Jesus. We are with Jesus and, more importantly, He is with us.
Be prepared. You never know when you will have the opportunity to shine for Jesus.