In a preschool classroom, a little girl was working intently on a drawing. Her teacher noticed her concerted effort, so she went over to ask her what she was drawing. The little girl replied, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” The teacher smiled and responded, “That’s nice, dear. But you know, no one really knows what God looks like.” Unfazed, the little girl never even looked up from her drawing as she said, “That’s because I’m not finished with my picture yet.”

What picture of God do the people you know have in their heads? You will most likely get a different answer to that question from every person you ask. Some see Him as a loving Father. Some think of God as the Good Shepherd. Some picture Him as the all-powerful Creator. Some will reply that He is the Judge. There are those who see Him on a cross and those who see Him as the Risen Lord. Others will describe Him as vengeful or angry or harsh. According to the message of Scripture, all of those things are aspects of who He is.

God wants to be known. That’s why He came down to live among us. He wanted us to understand that He loves us and only wants what is best for us. He was willing to pay the price our sins deserve so that we could be with Him always. This was the most generous, kind, unselfish act ever. And that is the picture of God that resonates most clearly in my heart and mind:  God is Love (1 John 4:8). Not simply a feeling, emotion, or talk. God is love in the sense of doing something. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. (1 John 3:16).

As a follower of Jesus, you will be the only picture of God some people will see. If we are to make Him known to others, we need to follow His lead. You need to be love, love that does something. Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18). What kind of picture of God are you sharing with people in your life? How well do you represent Him? Are you finished with your picture yet?