Returning home from the Cayman Islands on the first Friday of this month, we went through customs and immigration at the Orlando Airport. The TSA screening room was very tiny. We have TSA pre-check, but that was not available there. That means taking your laptop out of your bag, taking off your shoes and your belt and all that fun stuff. I emptied my pockets into a gray bucket and sent everything down the conveyor. Cheryl got selected for a random screening, which shut down the whole line for a minute or two. When I went through, the bags and buckets were piling up. They were rushing us to get out of there, so I hastily threw things into my pockets and backpack and we went off in search of our connecting flight. We were looking for gate 107, but there were only signs for the 70s, 80s and 90s gates. There was no one at the information booth either. Finally, an airport employee walked by and he told us we had to ride two different monorails to get to our gate. The monorails were not plainly marked, so we did not know about them. By the time we arrived at our gate, our flight was about to board.
As we got in line to board the plane, I realized I did not have my phone. I checked all my pockets and my backpack, but it was nowhere to be found. I made sure Cheryl did not have it, and then tried back-tracking a bit. Cheryl was calling my phone, but we did not hear it ring. As I said, it was time to board the plane. Cheryl asked if we should skip the flight, but I knew that was not a good option, since I had an obligation to preach on Sunday. We boarded the plane without my phone.
To say I was calm would be an overstatement. But I was not frantic, either. I was somewhere in between those two extremes, closer to the calm side than I thought I would be. Even just a few years ago I would have been freaking out at such an occurrence. At this point I did not know if I had been pickpocketed or dropped the phone or left it at TSA or what happened to it. As I sat on the plane, I prayed. I told God that I knew He was in control and asked Him to help me deal with this situation. Then I thought of all the things I would need to do when I got home to safeguard our lives. I also told Cheryl, “I know a lot of bad things could happen. But there are still a lot of good people in this world. Maybe one of them will find my phone and turn it in.” I’m not sure I fully believed that, but I did say it.
After we landed, we got our bags and went to our car. As we were driving home, I remembered the app we both have on our phones that allows us to track each other’s location. Cheryl checked it and saw that my phone was still in the Orlando airport, but it had moved to a location where we had not been. I asked Cheryl to call it one more time. After the fourth ring, just before it went to voicemail, I heard, “This is Sue with Southwest Airlines. How can I help you?” I said, “Sue, this is Mike Mattil. You are holding my phone right now!” The sense of relief was profound. She said someone found my phone and turned it in to a gate agent. It was now in the lost baggage office and would spend the weekend in their safe. Thanks to Southwest Airlines and FedEx, my phone was back in my possession on Tuesday.
One of the things I thought of while going through this was Luke 15. It contains stories of a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. In each instance, there is rejoicing when the thing that was lost has been found. I felt that when I knew my phone was found. But the point of Luke 15 is the rejoicing of our Father in heaven when a sinner who was lost has been found and repents and comes to faith in Jesus.
Luke 15:32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ ”
Lord, thank you for the blessings You give me every day, including allowing my phone to be found and returned to me. May this be a reminder of all those who are still lost and dying without having come to knowledge of your love and grace and mercy that you show in Jesus. You have graciously led me to know that His death paid for all my sin and His resurrection assures me of life eternal with you. Help me to share your love and forgiveness with those who have not yet come to know and believe in Jesus. In His name. Amen.
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