The following is taken from something my daughter Bethany shared online a few years ago. She was working part-time in children’s ministry at a Church in the Denver area at the time.
Yesterday was the epitome of a Monday. We were all dragging in the morning getting out the door, and my “to do” list at work was longer than I could accomplish in a week.
The first big thing I decided to tackle was a quick trip to Walmart. When I got back to the office I went to grab my receipt to turn in to our finance manager. My wallet wasn’t in my office. I went to the car, and it wasn’t there either. I knew at this point I left it in the cart at Walmart. I got on the phone with my local Walmart while taking the two-minute drive to get there. They didn’t have anything turned in. The carts had been put away from where I returned my cart.
Panic set in. I called Scott. I then called the local police office. Everything was in there… my work card, my personal cards, my ID, and of course my IKEA family member card! Maybe that last one doesn’t matter… I figured out how to “lock” my cards on my banking app, so my cards could not be used. Panic…
Then I remembered we had an Apple air tag on my wallet. Scott started tracking it and someone was moving with it. MORE panic. He’s watching it move across a park. Then it stopped. My wallet was taken to the police station one city over from my work!
I could not believe it! I drove there right away, and when I arrived I was so excited. First she asked for my ID… I mean really? Yes, she was serious. She went to look for it, and then she told me the strangest thing. Since the wallet was recovered in the other town they told the man who was trying to turn in my wallet to drive to the other precinct. I was angry!! I mean really!!!!??? This kind man was trying to be a Good Samaritan and was told to take it somewhere else!! Are you kidding me?!?
Tracking the wallet continues, and it stops for about an hour without an exact location pinpointed. (It needs to ping off iPhones to stay updated on location.) I talked to the police again, and they told me to contact them at 2 p.m. if it does not show up anywhere. At 1:30pm I received a call from the local police office. My wallet was there waiting for me. The gentleman dropped it off!! When I arrived they jokingly (this time!) asked for my ID. Everything was in there. Even my $5 cash I had. I was in awe! I asked them to give the gentleman who turned it in my number.
He called me about 20 minutes later.Dennis was my hero yesterday. He told me he wanted to do the right thing. He didn’t trust people enough to leave it at Walmart, and he apologized he didn’t return it sooner. He had lunch plans he didn’t want to miss. I think I said thank you 20 times in 4 minutes.
God sent Dennis to me yesterday. God knew I needed to slow down and remember there are good people in the world. Today I am thankful for Dennis. I am thankful for the reminder that God is alive, in control, and He is on His throne.
I thought maybe some of you needed that reminder today, too.
Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
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