One of the wonders of modern technology is fiber optics. They have become so common place that we take them for granted, but they are still a marvel. These things look like a solid tube, yet they have the ability to channel light to otherwise hard to reach places. Optical fibers can transmit light around curves and corners, with the light emitting from the end of the fiber. The uses are almost unlimited. Optical fibers are used to transmit telephone conversations and to illuminate automobile instrument panels. They are also used in medicine to perform exploratory surgery through just a small incision large enough to insert the small cable. The fibers carry light inside the body and then transmit the pictures back outside for the doctors to examine. As I said, they can transmit light to those hard to reach places.

Christians should think of themselves as optical fibers for the Lord. You are to carry His light with you to places where it otherwise might not shine. What are those hard to reach places in your life?

What about in school? When your friends and classmates are doing something that you know is wrong, do you let the light of Christ shine through you to expose their sin, or do you turn it off and simply go along with the crowd?

How about in your job? When others are pilfering, do you point this out for the wrong that it is, or do you let the light of Christ shine in that situation?

When unethical practices are encouraged, do you justify that you have to go along to get ahead, or do you shine for Jesus?

You are to be the channel of the light of Christ everywhere you go. This has to do with the way you treat every single person you encounter, the people you work with, your family members, and even those you casually meet each day. Jesus did not say “You are to be the light of the Church.” He very clearly said, you are the light of the world!” (Matthew 5:14).

My encouragement today is the same as yesterday: make a conscious effort to be a light bearer today.