There was a small southern town that had succeeded in remaining “dry”; no bars, no liquor stores, not even beer or wine sales. Then a stranger moved to town and opened a nightclub on Main Street. A “honky tonk.” This disturbed the members of one church so much that they held nightly prayer meetings, asking God to burn down that evil establishment. Their prayer meetings went on for weeks. Then one night, during a thunderstorm, lightning struck the nightclub’s roof and the building burned to the ground. The owner, who knew about the church’s prayers, sued the congregation for damages. His attorney claimed that the prayers were the cause of the loss. The church members hired an attorney who fought the charges, claiming there was no direct connection between the prayers and this freak accident. After hearing the case, the judge declared: “It is the opinion of this court that wherever the guilt may lie, the nightclub owner is the one who really believes in prayer while the church members do not.”
What you believe is best demonstrated by how you act. Read that last sentence again and let it sink in. In other words, let your faith show.
In our home, we have a sign hanging over the passage way between the great room and the kitchen that has our last name in large, tin letters. When our granddaughter Iris was three, she stopped, looked up at that sign, and said: “M – A – T – T – I – L … JESUS!” It is obvious her parents had taught her about Jesus and His love. But it made me think, “Wouldn’t it be nice if all of us were mistaken for Jesus because our actions so closely follow His?”
What you believe is best demonstrated by how you act. When you attend worship services with your brothers and sisters in Christ, you demonstrate to the world that you believe in the Resurrected Lord who saved you from sin and death. There is a old riddle: What makes more noise than a pig stuck under a fence? The answer is TWO pigs stuck under a fence. And what brings more glory to God than a believer who worships and praises God? MORE believers who worship and praise God together. It is good to gather with others to worship and and sing and praise and thank God for what He has done for us in Christ.
Even better, show your faith for others to see in your day to day life. If you believe that Jesus has conquered death for you, let it show. That faith will be evident in your living and speaking. It’s not just a show to put on at Easter or Christmas or even every Sunday. Faith in the crucified and risen Lord Jesus changes you. What you believe will be demonstrated by the way you act. Let your faith show.