I am a long-suffering Texas A&M fan. I like to watch sports, especially football and basketball. My Aggies were part of March Madness this year. They won in the first round and faced #1 Houston in the second round. With less than two minutes left in the game, they were down by 12 points. Cheryl got frustrated and left the room to go watch something else in another part of the house. She was convinced the game was over. But I kept watching. To say it was an incredible comeback is an understatement. They fought back to make it a one score game. Down by 3 points with 1 second on the clock, the Aggies got to throw the ball inbounds from under their own goal. A pass to Andersson Garcia at the top of the key, a beautiful shot, and the game was tied, going to overtime. It was NOT over. Unfortunately, the Aggies lost the game in overtime, but it was a beautiful example of “its not over until its over.”
I share that with you on this Good Friday to help explain something Jesus said from the cross.
John 19:28–30 Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
When the Jewish leaders heard “It is finished,” they probably breathed a sigh of relief. They thought, “game over and we won.” Satan and his minions also thought they had won. But that was not the case. Jesus said “It is finished” to announce that He had done what He came to do. He had paid the penalty for sin for all people. He offered His sinless life as the only sacrifice that would appease God’s judgment that stood against us all. The payment was complete. It was finished. But the “game” was not over. Listen to how an Easter hymn describes it.
The Foe was triumphant when on Calvary
The Lord of Creation was nailed to the tree.
In Satan’s domain did the hosts shout and jeer,
For Jesus was slain, whom the evil ones fear.
But short was their triumph, the Savior arose!
And Death, Hell and Satan He vanquished, His foes;
The conquering Lord lifts His banner on high.
He lives, yea, He lives, and will nevermore die.
Oh, where is thy sting, death? We fear thee no more;
Christ rose, and now open is fair Eden’s door.
For all our trangressions His blood did atone;
Redeemed and forgiven, we now are His own.
(The Lutheran Hymnnal #198 stanzas 2,3,4)
What Jesus did on Good Friday gave us a new beginning. The payment was finished, which meant it was game over for Satan and those who follow him. Jesus had won, they just didn’t know it yet. But it would be made abundantly clear to them. Jesus descended into hell to announce His victory (1 Peter 3:18ff.), and then burst forth from the tomb on Easter morning.
We know that is part of the story. But we also need to remember on this day the all-encompassing love Jesus has that He was willing to make this sacrifice for us. “For all our trangressions His blood did atone.” It was on the cross that He shed His blood, offered His life for ours, and finished the job. Had He not paid the price, finishing our debt, there would have been no forgiveness, no resurrection, no victory. But Jesus rose, and that is why we have forgiveness and life and salvation. It is also is why we pay special attention to His death on this day, and why we call this Friday “good.”