In my previous devotion I mentioned my friend Jerry. We met in 1966 when I moved to Dallas. We were in the same Sunday School and confirmation class, went through High School and Youth Group together. We went to different colleges, but still stayed in touch for a while. He stood up in my wedding. After that, we drifted apart.

I am happy to say that since I have retired, we have reconnected. He owns and operates a Tavern in Richardson, Texas. Jerry attended the same funeral in Dallas I did last week,  and afterwards Cheryl and my brother and I joined him at his Tavern. He has a room upstairs where we could sit and visit, reminisce and catch up. We had a great visit.

As we were leaving, one of the regulars downstairs came up and started visiting with us. When Jerry told this guy I was a preacher, he identified himself as a man of faith as well, and said, “I want to share something with you. It is a lyric from a Tom Petty song:  ‘I love you enough to give up the sins of my past.’”  Then he added, “That’s a lot of love.” I agreed with him, and asked if I could share something with him. He said, “Sure.” So I said, “Wouldn’t it be great if we loved God so much we gave up the sins of our past and present and future?”

Just so you know, I later found out he didn’t quote the lyric correctly. This is what the song really says:

Let me tell you the truth. I love you more than the sins of my youth.

 That is a fairly accurate summary of fallen sinful man. We love the sins of our youth and don’t want to give them up.

As Jerry and I have caught up with each other, we have remembered a lot of sinful, stupid stuff we did growing up. That includes setting the grass on fire behind the church in the dead of winter, and barely getting it put out before it reached the building. Thankfully, we have repented of the sins of our youth and been assured by our gracious God that those, too, were covered by the blood of Jesus. Jesus took the sins of our youth on Himself when He went to the cross. He paid for them and all other sin with His holy, precious blood and His innocent suffering and death.  That is a soul-soothing, comforting reminder we need all need to hear.

To once again misquote the lyric of that song, I want to love God so much that I will give up the sins of my past, present and future. And I am grateful for the forgiveness He has given me for Jesus’ sake.

Jeremiah 31:34 “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”

Thank you, Lord.